Showcase, Hire and Find Talents for your Startup

Connect IT — India’s Startup Community

A startup platform where people can view the whole new startups which are at idea stage or they have just landed

Ayush P Gupta
4 min readMar 1, 2020

It has been a year since this idea is on my mind. Why? because i am among those rare species who are little weak in networking skills. I always wanted to build something of my own whether a business or a startup or anything. Ever since my college days i am constantly struggling to create something which will have a valuable impact. Reweyou, DOT Salon, DOT Services were some of the teachers in disguised of my failed startups which helped me to imply those learning on this idea. With this i aspire to help people who want to build their own startup.


Connect IT is a startup platform where people can view the new startups which are either at idea stage or they are in building process. Basically we are trying to create a startup community. Here the main focus will be only on college level or idea stage startups as they are the one which are not showcased anywhere. With this platform one can view what other people are doing in their startup. Also a talent section is provided so as one can can look for talents in their team or anyone who is interested to collaborate with others.


Small startups which are at idea level or just startup are not showcased anywhere, mainly because existing platforms are flooded with well established startups which have good recurring revenue and prolific team size. There isn’t any place except some groups on social media where one can share his idea or his early staged startup with like minded people. Mainly college freshers or those who lack experience face a lot of challenge in networking, mentoring, building a startup. Nearly all of them fail not because they didn’t have idea but they lack resources especially finding team mates


Our core focus in only on small scale startups which are idea level or which have just started like having team of 2–4 people. By focusing on this segment we can have a gallery of upcoming, new startups so that people are enthusiastic of knowing startups or those who are willing to join others can benefit out the same.

By focusing on only small startups which are at idea level, or just started we create a line of separation from our competitors


The application is built using Flutter SDK and Firebase. Both of which are excellent candidates for this platform.

Flutter being fast both in development and running helped us to achieve a MVP in no big time. The Hot Reload and faster code changes helped us in iterations while designing UI and UX of app.

Firebase being realtime helped us to keep data synced across devices and also acted brilliantly in Chat Feature and Profile Update. Without Firebase it would be aa nightmare to code this app and to provide smooth user experience.

Briefly, there are three broad sections in our app:

1. Startup showcase page
2. Feeds section
3. Talent search page

Startup Section

This section bags the first home screen after login. Presently its divided into 3 rows namely Popular, New and Upcoming startups which by name represents the functionality.

You can view different startup details and can even add yours to the showcase. Here you will find all infant startups which are generally on idea stage or in product building stage.

Feed Section

All feeds posted by different users goes here. Feed like any new summit upcoming, startup program application or even any vacancy gets listed. Also this can be used to showcase your idea or any relevant information that you would like to share with the community.

Talent Section

This is the talent repository of app where you can explore different talents with their expertise. This section may be helpful for those who are seeking to find team mates or those who are willing to deal a collaboration.

Other Feature(s)

These include chat option, profile section which are provided to complete the platform.


It’s been just 4 days and we got so much users onboard. We are really delightful for such a great response from community. Still its just the start and we are sure to make it great in the journey ahead.

Whola! Congrats Clap! Clap! Clap!

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Ayush P Gupta

NodeJs | VueJs | Kubernetes | Flutter | Linux | DIY person